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Kanye West


10 songs, 40 min

Hip-Pop & Rap

Yeezus is the 6th studio album from Kanye West, and it's the most experimental album from his discography, and certainly his most angriest album. Many people do not like this album. Personally, I think the album is pretty good, even though it's not Kanye's best album.

I unironically like On Sight, I like the mad and brash tone it has. The part where it samples a choir sends me to another dimension and makes me nut everytime I hear it; then it goes back to the loud noise bringing you back. Though, there are better tracks on the album then On Sight.

Black Skinhead is at least top 4 on Yeezus, I love the drums on the track. I also love the humming or whatever the fuck it's called throughout the song. Once again, you're going to hear this loud and brash tone or sound throughout the album until the very end.

The track "I Am A God" is also a pretty good track on Yeezus in my opinion, there's nothing I can say about the track other than it's good.

Hold My Liquor is my most favorite favorite track on Yeezus, just simply, Kanye's verse makes me ascend, that's all I can say.

Bound 2 is the track that everybody knows from Yeezus. It's a good track, but there are better tracks on this album. It's a track everyone expected Kanye was gonna make and like.

# Title Runtime
1 On Sight 2:36
2 Black Skinhead 3:08
3 I Am A God 3:51
4 New Slaves 4:16
5 Hold My Liquor 5:26
6 I'm In It 3:54
7 Blood On The Leaves 5:59
8 Guilt Trip 4:03
9 Send It Up 2:58
10 Bound 2 3:49

I pretty much have nothing more to say about Yeezus but fill this page. My favorite track from Yeezus is Hold My Liqour, Black Skinhead, and New Slaves. The weakest track in my opinion is Send It Up. At first I didn't like the album, but after a few listens it grew on me, now I think it's a good album from Kanye West.